
- What does the name mean?
According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition, our name has the following definitions:
Minister - min-is-ter- n. Abbr. Min. 1) A person serving as an agent for another by carrying out specified orders or functions. [Middle English, from Old French ministre, from Latin minister, servant.]
Grace - n. 1) a. Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people. b. The state of being protected or sanctified by the favor of God. c. An excellence or power granted by God. [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin gratia, from gratus, pleasing.]
- Where does the name "Ministers of Grace" come from?
Our founding members are big fans of both Joss Whedon and the website Television Without Pity. Strega, the TwoP recapper for Angel, is fond of using the term “Ministers of Grace” or MoG as a nickname for everyone in the cast with the exception of Angel himself. She in turn borrowed the term from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, I, IV, 20: "Angels and ministers of grace defend us!" When it came time to name our company, Selene suggested taking the name MoG as our own.
- Is your company ultra-religious?
Despite our name and the use of the Greek letters alpha and omega, we are no more religious than any other fighting company. We view our use of that symbol as no different that the way other companies and individuals use various stylings of crosses.
- Are you guys Bobs/Torches/Chosen?
No, but that’s a relatively common mistake seeing that all of our founding members are closely associated with the Chosen. Rand was a full member for over seven years, Calidor was an acolyte for three, Selene is Rand’s wife, and Linden and Claibus are raising two boys together. As you can imagine our two companies are tied together by years of friendship and in some cases by blood. Even so we are two entirely separate entities with differing philosophies and goals.